Horse Racing Game Tuesday, 3/04/2025 6:16 ET
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Jockey Selection Process
The following below formula is used in determing jockey assignment for horses in a race.

[1 + ((horse earnings + (jockey earnings on the horse x 2)) / horse races)]


[0.1 + (((horse wins) / horse races) x 0.25) + (((horse wins + places) / horse races) x 0.25) + (((horse wins + places + shows) / horse races) x 0.25) + (((jockey with trainer wins) / jockey with trainer races) x 0.05) + (((jockey with trainer wins + places) / jockey with trainer races) x 0.05) + (((jockey with trainer wins + places + shows) / jockey with trainer races) x 0.05)]

- when jockey with trainer races is 0 jockey with trainer wins will be 2
- when jockey with trainer races is 1 jockey with trainer wins will be +1
- if jockey with trainer wins + places + shows is 0 then jockey with trainer shows will be 0.5
- horse races and jockey with trainer races are a minimum of 2
- horse earnings for unraced horses in maidens will be .02 x amount of purse being raced for
- jockey with trainer will only include races in past 1 yr or 500 total mounts whichever is less but also be a minimum of at least 3 months
- a horse that does not have earnings with a jockey selected that has 0 or 1 jockey with trainer races will never have a formula rating that is higher than a horse with the same jockey selected and has horse earnings or jockey with trainer races of 2 or more. In such a scenario the horse with the highest formula rating that selected the given jockey that has earnings or jockey with trainer races of 2 or more will be in a random draw with the horse without earnings and 0 or 1 jockey with trainer races
- ties will be broken with a random draw between the tied horses

The following steps are used for jockey assignment:
- The formula above is used to calculate a value for the #1 jockey for each horse
- The horse with the highest value will be assigned their #1 jockey
- Any other horse that select that jockey as their #1 choice will move to their #2 choice
- The formula above is then used again to calculate a value for each horse with their jockey choice
- The horse with the highest value will be assigned their jockey choice
- Any horse that had that jockey choice will move to their next jockey choice
- This process will continue until all horses that have a jockey choice available are assigned a jockey

If there are horses that did not receive one of their jockey selections then the following process is used to assign them one:
- The system will look to assign the jockey at the track the race is at that has not been assigned a mount in the race with the highest recent win pct
- Each horse that has not been assigned a jockey will calculate a value for the formula above with that jockey
- The horse with the highest value will receive that jockey
- The jockey with the next highest recent win pct will then be considered and the process will repeat until all horses have been assigned a jockey

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